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One Last Waffle

Dear Reader,  I've spent some time questioning my motives for publicly posting what could be considered a personal farewell to a friend who recently passed away. There is no doubt that writing offers up a kind of consolation in grief, helping the bereaved to sort through the associated waves of shock, sadness, anger, guilt and  memories  that flood their mind when they lose someone dear. But then surely the mere act of writing should suffice, no? An entry in one's personal journal should do the trick, no? Well, yes, perhaps. But, to get a bit philosophical on our collective arses for a second here, what is writing if not read? Perhaps upon reading this, those who knew Wendy will have their own memories reignited, or recognise similar experiences, or, one can hope, momentarily see her brought back to life in their mind's eye. And for those who did not know her, well, many will still be able to relate, for Life will cruelly snatch loved ones from us all sooner or later....

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